
Entrepreneurship degrees provide a business curriculum related to the setting up of new or small business ventures. Like
any business degree, these programmes cover the obvious functions such as accounting,
management and marketing, but the main focus will be on product or service development, start-up funding, purchasing and distribution issues and client base development. The attractiveness of the entrepreneurial spirit that lends ownership to the entrepreneur is the reason why many people are beginning to set up small business ventures. Entrepreneurship allows
graduates to do what they love and basically be their own boss. Some entrepreneurs use their unique talents for a startup and then sell their companies, and then go on to start new ones. But more than often, entrepreneurship graduates find their niche in working for already established corporations.
Job Description:
- Acquisition of potential investors and client
- Acting as both boss and employee
- Creation of policies and goal setting
- Daily management and operational duties
- Determining of strategy and future direction of the company
- Engaging in marketing, distribution and sales
- Overseeing company’s products and services
- Responsible for planning and directing the operations of a company
- Review of financial statements to determine options to increase
profits and reduce costs

Career Paths:
- Business Consultant
- Business Development Executive
- Chief Executive Officer
- Chief Operating Officer
- Development Consultant
- Executive Director
- Franchise Owner Specialist
- Motivational Entrepreneur
- Private Equity Investor
- Small Business Manager
- Small Business Owner
- Strategic Planner
- Urban and Regional Planner
- Venture Capitalist

Specific Skill Set Required:
- A creative and strategic thinker
- A problem solver
- A team player
- Adaptable
- Enterprising
- Flexible
- Highly motivated
- Negotiation skills
- Resourceful
- Strong financial skills
- Strong organisational skills
- The ability to work under pressure